My attempt at all black technical-wear this morning was pathetic...
My attempt at all black technical-wear this morning was pathetic mainly because i never wear black.I look like a fool. Time to change! I just wanted to be an urban ninja at the grocery store
View Articleshould be going to bed, but instead taking embarrassing selfies?...
should be going to bed, but instead taking embarrassing selfies? responsibilities are cool, so are priorities
View Articlefoodografia: Asparaguses and Eggs made grilled asparagus the...
foodografia: Asparaguses and Eggs made grilled asparagus the other day. i pee’d outside, and totally forgot that asparagus made your pee smell weird. couldn’t escape the smell. too much? my apologies.
View Articlethis is pretty much all that matters to me.
this is pretty much all that matters to me.
View Articlei sleep on my back cuz it’s good for the spine. and coffin...
i sleep on my back cuz it’s good for the spine. and coffin rehearsal.
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