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realitywhitewash: My best friend Juan Amaya has a show up at...

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My best friend Juan Amaya has a show up at Flying Object in Hadley, Mass through November 18th. I asked him a few questions about his show, Taco Bell, and shitty Tumblr art. If you guys are in or around the Hadley area, you should check out his show. You’re in for a real treat. 

I was very happy and proud to attend your recent opening. What inspired you to make a series of posters? 

Thanks! I guess what really inspired me were all these Facebook invites I constantly get and that I constantly ignore so I decided to make these posters for this ‘mysterious’ event (my event in this case) using inane, maybe boring images of nothing really and senseless titles as well but also just wanted the posters to look pretty (laughter). Ambient music played a big part, I wanted to make people feel like these posters were floating (sort of like those Facebook events that get ignored and become lost on the internet) or like they were on drugs.

How long will the show be up? 

It’ll be up till Nov. 18th so everyone who reads this should go see it now. I don’t care how far you live.

How much Taco Bell did you consume while preparing for the show?

I’m not obsessed with Taco Bell like you are. I ate Burger King.

There’s a lot terrible shit on Tumblr. What’s the worst thing you’ve seen in the past two months? Did it make you want to create more, or just throw your hands up and say, “I give up!” 

Hmmm, I don’t know because there’s so much. I am kind of tired of seeing this futuristic 3D bullshit that kinda bores me. I’m also tired of 12 year old kids liking my posts. 

Personal style questions make me want to vomit. What were you wearing the last time you went to Taco Bell?

I was wearing something like this but my sunglasses were Acne.

What can we expect to see from you in the near future?

Except to see even bigger ideas in smaller spaces, and longer hair.

longer hair

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